Summer outfit in black and white. I’ve been doing all black for a while now, so a little change is good. As you can see ever since I got my Céline sneakers I’ve been wearing them non stop, after some wear they have become so comfortable that I want to wear them daily. So of course I took them with me to this summer road trip.
Conjunto de verano blanco y negro. Llevaba unos cuantos conjuntos todo negros (casualidad que justo iba así los días de las fotos, normalmente no suelo ir todos los días de negro) así que un cambio viene bien. Como podéis ver desde que me compré estas zapatillas prácticamente no he dejado de usarlas, pero la verdad es que me encantan. Después ya de bastante uso puedo decir que se han amoldado bien y resultan muy cómodas así que decidí que vendrían conmigo a este pequeño road trip por la zona centro y norte de España.
Balenciaga sunglasses (get them HERE) | Wood Wood crop top (similar HERE) | Maje skirt (get it HERE) | Daniel Wellington watch (get it HERE) | Céline sneakers (get them HERE) | Reed Krakoff bag (get it HERE)

Please excuse me for the awful quality of these pictures. My old photographer (ex-boyfriend) and I are no longer together. Not that I need to tell you about my personal life, but I do feel I need to explain why I am not updating my website as frequently. To be honest this happened a long time ago, but thanks to all my traveling this past year and my family and friends I was able to manage for quite some time (more than I thought possible).
Now that I am back home, back to work, no more traveling around I am having a really hard time finding someone to take my pictures. My new man, as amazing as he is…I think needs to adjust to the dynamics of what having a blog actually is for me. Although he is an amazing support and is the proudest that can be…I am not exactly the type to go jump on the whole “honey you need to photograph my outfits” within the first few months, (plus there is the time issue). Hopefully soon I can start having more outfit pictures to get back on track. In the meantime a lovely co-worker was nice enough to take my pictures with her phone (not that she has a crappy phone) but the pictures lost quality when she sent it.
Still I believe this to be better than nothing, plus I like how different the concept of these pictures are compared to my usual ones.
Ray-Ban wayfarer sunglasses (get them HERE) | Wood Wood crop top | Theyskens Theory pants (similar HERE) | Daniel Wellington watch (get it HERE) | Nike Son of Force sneakers (get them HERE)

I have never been a fan of crop tops, I don’t know why but I tend to find most a little too much. I am aware though how it suits women with my body type, it definitely makes us look like we have more curves, so as a challenge I decided to get one and be able to style it in a way that it suited my style and wasn’t too out there. Low key is the key for me.
The results of this experiment can be found in this post. I think I might have been kind of scared without a real reason, just because I see too much 16 year olds styling it in the tackiest way does not mean it has to be tacky. I went for a monochrome look, with sneakers and I like the result very much, still simple, still low key.
Now this is part 1 of the experiment so obviously I still have to experiment how it might look with a skirt, or heels, that is much more complex I believe because it is right there when it can become a disaster, but I am up for the challenge. If it all goes well I might get a few more.
No se porqué pero no soy una gran fan de los crop tops. La verdad es que la mayoría me parecen un poco demasiado, como un intento desesperado de enseñar mas de lo adecuado. Por otro lado si soy muy consciente de que este tipo de tops dan la ilusión de tener mas curvas en mujeres con mi tipo de cuerpo por lo que a modo de desafío decidí comprarme uno y aventurarme a transformar una prenda que no me gusta en una que sí.
El resultado del experimento lo podéis ver en este post. Creo que juzgué esta prenda un poco pronto sin darle una oportunidad. Si es cierto que las niñas de 16 años lo llevan de una forma tan ordinaria y desesperada que uno tiende a asociarlo inmediatamente con la vulgaridad, pero eso no significa que sea vulgar en si. Me decidí por este conjunto negro con zapatillas y la verdad me gusta mucho el resultado, simple y sutil.
Ahora bien, esta es solo la primera parte del experimento y obviamente me queda la parte mas compleja que es combinarlo con falda y/o tacones y es ahí donde esta el gran desafío porque cuando se combina con estas prendas es cuando mas facilidad hay de que se convierta en vulgar y exuberante, pero de igual forma estoy dispuesta a aceptar mi desafío personal y encontrar una forma de que siga mi estilo.
Ray-Ban wayfarer sunglasses (get them HERE) | Wood Wood crop top (get it HERE) | Daniel Wellington watch (get it HERE) | Isabel Marant Etoile jeans | Adidas Gazelle sneakers (get them HERE) | Céline cabas bag (get it HERE)

One of my go-to summer dresses has been this striped one, since the day I got it (about 2.5 years now). It is as classic and versatile as it gets: sleeveless, striped and A shaped. It’s so easy to wear, it has always been a five minute thing to get ready with this one. I can wear it with anything in my closet, of course thats not hard to achieve in my case, all my items are black, navy, grey and stripes, but for someone not in that line I bet it’s just as easy. I have posted a number of entries with this dress, and so far you’ve seen me wear it with sneakers and flats, and today since it was so hot sandals was the only sane option.
Uno de mis vestidos mas socorridos en verano es este que llevo hoy, un clásico a rayas de Wood Wood. Me encanta porque es de lo más versátil lo que implica que lo puedo combinar con absolutamente todo en mi armario (en mi caso eso no es muy difícil ya que todo es negro, gris, navy o a rayas) pero para alguien con un gusto mas variado imagino tampoco sera un dilema. Tiene una forma muy neutra que hace que no sea demasiado maduro, ni formal, ni femenino, ni nada en particular lo que le da aún mas campo para jugar con distintas combinaciones. He actualizado un par de veces ya conjuntos con este vestido conjuntando de diferentes formas, hoy sin dudarlo la única opción era con sandalias ya que ha hecho un calor horrible.
Ray-Ban wayfarer sunglasses (get them HERE) | Wood Wood dress (get similar one HERE) | Daniel Wellington watch (get it HERE) | Birkenstock Arizona sandals (get them HERE) | Céline black cabas bag