Posts Tagged ‘Anna Karina’

Inspiration: Anna Karina

Anna KarinaAnna KarinaAnna KarinaAnna Karina

As a huge Godard fan, I am deeply inspired by his movies and his muses. A while back I posted about Jean Seberg, now its time to talk about Anna Karina.  She married Godard and starred in a number of his films. I can’t explain the love I feel when a movie has good wardrobe I can relate to, and most of Jean-Luc Godard’s films (maybe all of them) have this characteristic. Her wardrobe as you may observe in the pictures above is extremely feminine and almost childish quite similar to Seberg’s. Of course its the 1960’s and that was a main characteristic in fashion at that time, but it’s more than just the clothing or hair or makeup, it’s the way of moving, gestures, voices, small details that this women he picked for his movies had/have that make the whole aesthetic of his films so much more appealing than any others of the same era.