Trini - Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas for you all lovely followers/readers, you are truly amazing. With all your love and support you have made this possible. Thank you for letting me share my own vision of fashion and spreading the word, thanks to it I have happily learned that I am not alone in what at times seems a world of aesthetic decay.


Feliz Navidad a tod@s mis lect@s/seguidor@s! Estoy muy agradecida de todo el cariño y apoyo que he recibido todo este tiempo, sois un verdadero encanto que hacéis que este blog sea posible. Gracias por dejarme compartir día a día mi visión particular de la moda y la estética en general, a través de vosotr@s he aprendido de que hay tant@s como yo que compartimos esta forma de ver la moda.

Picture is NOT my own, credits to Pinterest.



3 Comments on MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  1. Nomie
    December 26, 2014 at 2:39 PM (9 years ago)

    ahhh trini i found your blog a while back and i just felt so…so at home. you are such a style inspiration. i already dress very similar to your philosophy, but i still have to switch out my clothes often due to the poor quality to some h&m clothes etc…and let’s not get started on bags and shoes. i only earn about 1500$, is it unrealistic for me to covet for example, the sofia coppola bag? or chanel flats? is it possible to dress impeccable and more high quality on a budget?

  2. Trini
    December 28, 2014 at 10:15 PM (9 years ago)

    Thank you so much for your kind words! I think you can dress high quality on a budget, you just need a lot of self discipline. All you need to do is buy less quantity of better quality. 3/4 H&M things make one from A.P.C. 8-10 make a pair of Chanel shoes and so on. If you can hold on buying only a few things per season you can do it just fine. Also look at Ebay as your shopping source since it has a lot of new things at reduced prices.
    That’s how I started building my collection of high quality classics when I was in college, and I assure you can do it too!

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