Nothing says in between weather like a trench coat. It’s the number garment I think of when spring comes to mind. It is one of those timeless classics that goes with anything you can think of and is always a good idea. I have worn mine so many times since I bought it I can’t even count. It was one of the best investments in regards to clothing I ever made. If you don’t have one I highly recommend you invest on a good quality trench coat, because these are guaranteed to last forever.
Today my outfit is a mix of classics (coming to think about it, most of my outfits are) but this one is a 50-50. I would have regularly worn this outfit with flats but today I was up to something different. Old classics as my trench coat or bag, and modern classics as my sneakers and little black dress .
Nada dice entre tiempo como una trenca. Es la primera prenda que se me viene a la cabeza cuando pienso en la primavera. Es uno de esos clásicos atemporales que va con todo nuestro armario y siempre acaba siendo una estupenda opción. Yo he usado mi trenca incontables veces desde que la compré y la considero una de las mejores inversiones que he hecho cuando se trata de ropa. Si aún no tenéis una os recomiendo buscar una de buena calidad ya que así os durará por siempre.
Hoy mi conjunto es una mezcla de clásicos, al final creo que todos mis conjuntos se basan en este método pero este en particular es 50-50. Normalmente usaría este conjunto con zapatos planos pero hoy me apetecía algo distinto. Combine clásicos de toda la vida como son la trenca o el bolso de Chanel, con clásicos modernos como mis zapatillas o vestido negro con cuero.
Marc Jacobs sunglasses (get them HERE) | The Kooples dress | Burberry trench coat (get it HERE) | Daniel Wellington watch (get it HERE) | Nike sneakers (get them HERE) | Chanel classic flap (get it pre-loved HERE)
June 2, 2015 at 5:56 PM (10 years ago)Hi trini, I just wanted to tell you that you’ll always be my favorite blogger as well as an inspiration to me. My style has evolved through the years thanks to you. You’re always keeping the elegance up to date, standing out among others. Keep up the good work and being true to who you are!
June 2, 2015 at 6:46 PM (10 years ago)Thank you so much for the kind words! I really appreciate you taking the time to write this comment, it has put a smile on my face